Hi and welcome to the brand new Scruffy Bear website!
This is the place where you can get involved in our own little world and be a part of our journey. We’ll keep you entertained with new content and regularly invite you to be a part of the fun.
We’ll be running a blog as a way to keep you up to date with everything Scruffy Bear; to shine a light on new artists, share our thoughts on new music, some crazy ramblings about life and our experiences making music together!
Oh...and some guitar geekiness too…
Whether you’re new to Scruffy Bear or you’ve been supporting us since the beginning, we want to say thank you for being here with us. Keep your eyes peeled for videos, podcasts and more exclusive content just for you!
If you have a story that you think will interest us or some new music you think we’d like please submit it to sass@scruffybearband.com.
Sign up here for a free song and we’ll give you a buzz when there’s a new blog.
Scruffy Bear x